International Certified Behavior Analyst MA, QBA, IBA

QABA-certified course provider for the three levels: QBA, QASP-S, and ABAT

He holds a master's degree in autism

Clinical supervisor for Rapa centers in Riyadh

Ahmed Abu Zaid Anwar

Behavioral therapy programs

Specialized treatment programs for children with autism and psychological disorders.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).

It is a systematic science that aims to improve the lives of individuals, especially those with autism, by focusing on socially important behaviors

American Board Certification Levels QABA

Certified International Autism Supervisor Course (QASP-S)
Certified Behavior Analysis Technician (ABAT) course
International Certified Behavior Analyst (QBA) course

Available Courses

On-demand training course Mand
VB-MAPP course
Parent training course
ABA system building course inside the center
A course on how to create a graph using the ABA method
Verbal Behavior course
